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Tamora Pierce SAL - Release 1 Design Insights

We're so excited to be starting the Tamora Pierce SAL!

This one means a lot to me because Tamora Pierce was one of my favorite authors when I was a teenager, and still is one of them today. I reread her books (at least Protector of the Small, Immortals, or the first Circle books) once a year.

I do have to say this release doesn't have a lot of graphics, but it has one that should be pretty recognizable! We had a lot of guesses that the first release would feature Alanna, but we decided to go a little more chronologically, so we're starting with Beka Cooper. The books are based off the covers of one of the print runs, and the quote is one that I really enjoyed. I actually only read the Beka Cooper books this last year, and I'm not quite done with Mastiff (I have to charge my Kindle to be able to finish it!)

I do promise that you get a few more graphics in the next release!

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