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Tamora Pierce Bookmarks SAL Design Insights - Release 2

Updated: Apr 14, 2021

The Circle of Magic books are some of my favorites by Tamora Pierce, and so there were a couple of things I wanted to be sure were included on their bookmarks. Where with the Tortall bookmarks there's one per series, for the Circle of Magic books there's one for each of the four main characters.

The Circle of Magic books were some of the first Tamora Pierce books that I read, and I still reread them once a year or so. I really enjoy the development of the characters over time, how they learn to use their magic both together and separately, and how they show the natural flow and ebb of friendship over time, like a tide going out and coming in.

Sandry's bookmark I had the inspiration for as soon as we had the idea to make bookmarks. The braid around the quote is the braid she makes when she's trapped, when she's first introduced into the books, and yes I did have to pull my book out to double check the colors used! I also very much wanted the quote to be something that involved Uvumi (which for anyone that doesn't know this series well means Patience in "trader talk")

I was really pleased at how this one came out overall, and I can't wait to stitch it!

(I'd have added a picture, but Wix is apparently having issues uploading pictures - so I'll add that later when their issue is fixed!)

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