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Tamora Pierce Bookmarks Design Insights - Release 5

This week's bookmark was inspired by The Protector of the Small series, which is one of my all time favorites! This is the the first series of Tamora Pierce's that I ever read, after finding it in my little hometown library. The lead character Kel is filled with so much purpose, and unlike Alanna she doesn't have to hide that she's a girl, the world has changed over time. She still has a lot of issues from being a girl training to be a Knight, but she gets through them. I love the supporting characters in this series a lot as well, I feel like they have a lot more depth than some of the other series supporting characters.

So for Kel we decided to go with her sparrows, because they were one of my favorite things of the books. If we could have fit Peachblossom on the bookmark we would have! I think the tiny sparrows turned out pretty well (and having seen it test stitched I absolutely love this bookmark!)

The quote needed to be something meaningful to Kel, and part of the reason she wants to be a Knight is to fix things, to be able to protect those that need it, and to make the world a better place. This quote fit that sentiment perfectly.

Remember, this bookmark pattern is available for free through the end of July in our Facebook SAL group: and after the end of July will be available in our shop.

Happy Stitching!

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