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Release 1 - 2024 Board Game SAL - Design Insights

Designing this SAL has been so much fun! We both love board games.

The center tile was actually the last tile that we designed, even though it's the first release. We knew it was going to say Game Night, but hadn't decided what exactly we were doing along with it. In the end it made sense to design the background as the sandy tile from the center of a Catan board.

For the lettering and graphics - these are all pulled from other tiles designs (with minor edits for the change in background color). Can anyone guess what games the letters/dice are from?

Then, as a final note on this design insight - we noticed after the frame had been sent out (and several people had started stitching it) that there was a minor mistake on the frame. The fix, rather than send out a replacement frame and mess up anyone already stitching, was to just add 10 black stitches to every tile we sent out - so that's why there are 10 black stitches on the edges :)

If you haven't already, be sure to check out our FB SAL Group:

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