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Broadway SAL - Release 6 Design Insights

We're on the last three releases! I think everyone who guessed on this one guessed correctly that it was Wicked, even from pretty far out. With Galinda's bubble in it and all of the elements from different sections coming together I think this might be the busiest letter on the piece.

Wicked was the second or third letter we did, because it was very clear from the voting early on that it would make it in. It was also one of the more difficult graphic wise. It was also probably my least favorite to work on despite how happy I was with how it turned out. The hat and broom were simple enough both to pick and draw, but we went back and forth on the big graphic to put in the back, because we knew we wanted one there. We handed on the bubble (as opposed to the face of Oz or the dragon clock) and I think I must have drawn it three times before we were happy with it. At which point the computer crashed without me having saved. It turned out for the best, as I liked the fourth best, but I had to walk away from it for several hours after that.

There was no debate about the color of the letter of course. As for the lyrics we were between No One Mourns the Wicked and Defying Gravity. While we love both songs we ended up going with the first both because it fit in better and because we liked that it was the fist song in the show.

As we couldn't fit the whole W into this release (I know, it bothers me as well, but it is the biggest letter in the piece) you don't get as much of a hint of the next letter yet. However I will give you the hint that you can already see elements coming over from it and have been able to since the D.

We hope everyone has fun with this one!

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