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Broadway SAL - Release 2 Design Insights!

We're so glad people enjoyed the first release and we're hoping everyone likes this one as much! This weeks release is Rent, which I was a little too happy we ended up putting on the R. Though it's the second release it was one of the last letters we worked on design wise, both because it was one of the later shows to make the cut in the voting and because it has more colors to work with, meaning it could be made to fit in easier next to the colors of Les Mis and the next release.

The graphics were a lot harder to choose here as well, and to a certain extent it once again went to graphics that would represent it well without being too much with the ones around them. Here you can see where the smoke is connected to, showing the candle has recently been blown out. I did sing "would you light my candle" the whole time that I was working on that as well. Other than that were were many choices to choose from. Doing a larger graphic like Angel's pickle tub drum or a guitar for Roger would get interfere with the other graphics at the bottom, or just be to large to do a good representation of. We tossed around the metal moon for Maureen, Collins' coat, and an old fashioned camera for Mark, but in the end we were having a lot of trouble choosing and decided to do the city scape to represent everyone and the backdrop against which their stories are happening. This was the silhouette that I was referring to when I talked about the barricade silhouette in our last design insight. I did try to fit in a camera as well, but it made the whole area just a little to busy.

Here we also have more graphics sneaking in as well. More vines, and now you can see more what the blood drops attach to on the first release. Someone in the FB group already correctly guessed what those bloody vines go to, but as some folks have said their not in the group or on FB I don't want to risk spoiling it for them by saying here, but if you know you know ;) And of course more bubbles. I'm sorry friends it's going to be a little bit before we get to where those bubbles are coming from. We've had a few people guess, but no one has hit on it quite yet. I'll give you a hint, while they are associated with one of the main characters in the show they represent, they were actually part of a bigger element for them. Lastly we have a black spot that if I ID what it is for you I'm afraid I will give it away entirely, but I will say that it matches with one of the teaser photos we put out. And of course you can see the flag being finished up from Les Mis here behind the R.

I also feel for this one we should discuss color choices. As I said Rent has a lot of colors that could go into it, and the movie poster is a lot more vibrant then the stage production's. To keep with the theme we went with the Broadway poster, hence the browns.

Rent was a very fun one for me to do, the movie version came out when I was in high school and my friends and I had it broken down and cast out among us so we could sing it at lunch. I hope everyone enjoys this one as much as they did the last! This one is a thinner release, the next one will be a bit thicker, each varies in size a little with the effort not to give too much in future releases away.

- Tina

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