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For our final release, we have the Protector of the Small series, complete with a Lucky Cat, fan, and one of my favorite lines: What if custom is wrong?

This was the first series by Tamora Pierce I ever read, and I've reread it so many times, always finding more and more to relate to in it. My favorite things in this entire series include how stubborn Kel can be, how deeply she feels when she knows something is right or wrong, and how she won't let herself be turned from her purpose. She inspires people to be their best, because they can be and should be, and she provides the example they need. She also shows weakness when she has it, we both share a fear of heights, and I'm not sure I'd have the fortitude to overcome it like she does when she needs to.

This journey with you all has been wonderful, and we can't wait to see your finished projects! Remember to upload them to our Facebook Group Finishes Album, try to get them in before November 24th to be entered into the drawing to win a Tamora Pierce Surprise Box!

If you're not on Facebook you can always email your finish pictures in to

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We're on the second to last release!

This one is one of my favorites, because Cloud came out really well. I was really pleased with how this whole section came out, because the pieces fit so well together. The necklace and Cloud were obviously from the Immortals quartet, but the dice that were on the last release were actually for both series. (And by the way who is super excited to read the rest of Numair's story the minute it's released?)

There were a few quotes that were considered, but for most of them to make sense we needed a bit more space. Fitting the quotes onto the shorter series has definitely been a challenge through this SAL. I ended up choosing "You have a destiny" because I believe that we've already seen some of Numair's destiny in the Immortals series, and it's clear in his own series he's destined to do some great things.

I'm so excited that we've made it this far together, and can't wait for the last release to come out in two weeks (and I know that series is the favorite of many in the SAL), remember that after the next release we'll make an album in our SAL group for finishes to be posted, and everyone that posts their finish (or emails a picture in to us at before Nov 24th will be entered to win a prize box!

If you haven't already definitely check out our SAL group on Facebook:

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This is one of my favorite series of all time, so I'm very excited to do the design insights for this release!

First we start with a steel feather, from Rikash the Stormwing, complete with blood on it from when Ozorne plunged it into his flesh (as well as where I assumed he would cut himself from gripping it to do so). Then we move into the dice, we chose bone dice, because I believe that is what the Graveyard Hag uses in the books. She is one of my favorite characters (because the more chaotic characters always catch my interest!) Last for the graphics we have Daine's necklace of course!

The quote for this week's release is also one of my favorites, Never break a promise to an animal - and anyone who knows Tina and myself know that we stick to that pretty well, both in our rescue work and at home. We went with this set of covers because it's the set I always remember seeing at my local library, and the colors all work really well together.

Only two more releases left after today!

If you're not part of the Facebook SAL group already you should definitely head over and check it out:

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