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The second half of the first shelf! This one includes a couple of my favorites - Neverwhere (black book) and Good Omens (white book).

For Good Omens we already had Dog on the first half of the shelf, but now we also have the bentley. Of course for Neverwhere we had to use a door. Then we also have a spider from Anansi Boys, which was one of the books on the last release.

Quotes-wise we have 'Beware of Doors' for Neverwhere, and 'Funny if we both got it wrong, eh?' for Good Omens.

I think my favorite thing on this release is the tiny Crowley on the Good Omens book.

I can't wait for the next release, it starts getting a little bit more busy!

If you haven't had the chance, definitely check out the Taylor and Cromwell SAL's group on FB:

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I bet a lot of you guessed the musical for this release already, since the fourth release had a pretty big hint!

For Phantom of the Opera we have the mask, of course, and you can see the back end of the chihuahua from Legally Blonde, and then there's a little something in the lower right corner that is for a future release (but it'll be a while before we get there!)

For lyrics we went with Prima Donna, You deceived me, and Think of me. Think of me's font was definitely one of the harder fonts to make, since we wanted that cracked look but still wanted it to be readable.

Can't wait for the next release!

If you're on Facebook be sure to join our SAL group and share your pics as you work:

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Release 5 is here!

This one's based off of Chicago!

We've got the feather fans at the top, a top hat and cane at the bottom of the E. Lyric wise we had to do He had it comin' as well as All that jazz, and for the third quote we went with We both reached for the gun.

The hardest part of this one was trying to recreate one of the iconic Chicago fonts in backstitch.

There's a little hint in the top corner of what the next musical is, if anyone can guess the line :)

If you aren't already in our FB SAL group we'd love for you to join us:

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